English Drama

Our aim is to expose students to theatrical art and ignite their passion for it. Through acting, we aim to inculcate in our students lifelong values such as teamwork, perseverance, responsibility, respect and discipline. We strive to develop all our members to be confident performers and eloquent presenters who have the ability to analyse and appreciate artistic performances in all forms.
To strive to develop our Drama Club members to be fine citizens with a
passion and talent in theatre arts.
To promote performing arts and enhance the oratorical skills of our members
to cultivate a love for the English Language.
CCA Activities
Drama Training every Thursday by professionally trained drama coaches
Biennial Singapore Youth Festival Performances
Performance in concerts in and outside of school
Values-In-Action Programmes
Exchange programmes with Drama Club students from other schools
Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) 2023: 'Finding the Gone': Awarded Certificate of Accomplishment
Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) 2021: ‘Gordon’s Turn’: Awarded Certificate of Accomplishment
Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) 2019: ‘Picture Perfect’: Awarded Certificate of Accomplishment
Drama Club Exchange Programme with Fuhua Secondary School in 2019
Watched ‘Far Side of the Moon’ at the Esplanade in 2019
‘Charlie and the Chocolate’ performance during Speech Day 2018
‘Alice in Wonderland’ performance in WEAVE Concert 2018 for public
Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) 2017: ‘The End of Violence’ by Team 1: Awarded Certificate of Accomplishment
Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) 2017: ‘Ah Mah’s Hand’ by Team 2: Awarded Certificate of Commendation
Teachers in charge
Ms Normalah (IC)
Ms Ong Zhiqing (2IC)
Thursdays: 3:15pm to 6:15pm
PBL Studio
CCA Photographs

Our talented actors in action

Singapore Youth Festival 2023

Our warm up Exercises

Behind the scenes- props!

Lights! Camera! Action!- Our Actors at SYF 2023