YCSS Philosophy
At Yuan Ching, we believe that every student can become a future-ready, contributing citizen with life-long passion for learning. The Yuan Ching Education leverages strong partnership among educators, parents, alumni and the community to nurture the whole child to realise his full potential. Our student will learn and develop positive thinking dispositions anchored on “The ABCD Thinking Habits of YCS” made explicit through lesson enactment, student empowerment, intentional reinforcement as well as role modelling. We further nurture them with Growth Mindset, Financial Literacy and Motivational Skills, fundamentals to thrive in a globalised, technology-driven world.
We are committed to being student-centric, where our student is placed at the centre of learning. It is our belief to foster in our student the self-confidence and discipline to be Confident and Engaged Owners (CEO) of their learning while developing their physical and mental well-being into socially responsible and concerned citizens. Anchored on STRONG framework (Self-Efficacy, Think Positively, Relationship Management, Outward Mindset, Nutrition and Health and Growth), we instil in our student the resilience and social competencies to navigate a VUCA environment complemented with our Learning for Life distinctive programme (Growing Values through Sports and Outdoor Education) which imbues the values of team leadership and teamwork.
Yuan Ching is a safe and nurturing home - grounded in positive discipline, care and concern that values every individual. Our student learns to be caring and responsible to his family and community. Our school-wide Values in Action (VIA) through Design Thinking exemplifies empathy and user-centricity mindset in our students, where they collaborate, express their creativity and innovative ability on projects to contribute back and make a difference to the larger community.
Our Yuan Ching community is inclusive and welcoming. Our teachers care deeply and will give their utmost support and guidance to their students, where they are empowered to lead, serve and inspire their peers. Resilient and diligent, our students exemplify the school’s motto of ‘Efforts Today, Rewards Tomorrow’. They embody our core values of Integrity, Excellence, Compassion, Enterprise and Loyalty (IExCEL) as they grow to epitomise our vision of ‘A Thinker, an Achiever and Concerned Citizen’.